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This remedy is for use with any symptoms related to known or suspected exposure to agri-chems (insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides) used in farming / agriculture / general use eg industrial (farms, orchards, etc) & urban (as in council spraying programmes)  & private (home use). It is a useful remedy to have on hand if you are exposed at your work place or know you will be exposed elsewhere. It is safe for children & can be used for pets as well. For pets weighing less than 60kg use the child’s dosage. This remedy is meant for symptom relief & to assist in a quicker, safer recovery. It also offers some protection against future exposure by supporting the immune system. Symptoms of exposure are wide ranging depending on the chemicals you have been exposed to but generally include headaches / shortness of breath / worsening of any symptoms you already have from other causes / insomnia / irritability /  general aches & pains in muscles & joints / muscle cramping / general symptoms related to too high acidity or alkalinity / vision & irritated eye problems / skin irritations (itching, rashes, sensitive skin),  etc.

If in doubt it is better to use the remedy than not. The remedy cannot harm you if the toxins are not present but will certainly help your system cope with detoxing the chemicals if you are affected. 

An excellent first aid kit formula to have in your first aid kit.

Agrichemical Antitox Formula

SKU: COMP-Agri-30
  • Ingredients :   Homoeopathically potentised resonances of the following commonly used

    Agricultural chemicals :

    Insecticides eg diazinon, DDT / Herbicides eg glyphosates, paraquat / Fungicides eg copper based products.   Number of actual ingredients = 22

    Drainage Remedies   /   highly purified Water   /   Alcohol 7%

    Dosage :

    For Adults :     5 drops = 1 dose

    For children under age of 5 years :           3 drops = 1 dose

    For acute onset symptoms, take 1 dose (eg 5 drops) every 15 minutes, for up to 6 doses, then take 1 dose every   4 hours for 3 – 4 days.

    For chronic, long standing symptoms, take 1 dose 3 – 4 times daily for 3 – 4 days. Leave for a week & repeat the treatment. Then use when symptoms return as for acute onset.

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